Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Journal 1(About Me!)

For starters, I am a very social and outgoing person which can sometimes have its advantages and disadvantages. I'm the senior class Vice President at Allegan High School. I love living in this small town and plan to move back when I am ready to start a family. I am seventeen years old and will turn eighteen on January 27th. My interests include playing tennis, water-skiing, singing in the choir, and volunteering at Dr. Main's Vet office. I come from a large family, my mother has six sisters and one brother. Our family holiday's are never a bore, especially with my crazy uncle Marky who wanted fried squirrel at this years thanksgiving. In my near future, I plan to attend Grand Valley State University to study a four year pre-vet program then transfer to Michigan State University for grad school in their prestigious Vet school.

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