Friday, December 16, 2011

Journal 7

In response to what Barbra said: “It is no shame to have a dirty face, the shame comes when you KEEP it dirty.” 

This means it's okay to make mistakes, but if you don't correct them it is sinful.

Journal 6

    In addition to the Venn Diagram, I would add Dick always with women (married twice), grew up in Kansas, put in jail for passing bad checks. As for Perry, he was injured in a motorcycle accident which scarred his legs causing him to be ashamed of them, wants to be educated, was sentenced in jail for 5-10 years, and two siblings of his died.
    Reading the background of Perry, I do see him in a new light, but I have no sympathy for him. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Journal 5

The gruesome crime scene in the Clutter household was a bloody mess. They first found Nancy Clutter in her bedroom, face down, shot in the back of the head. They then found Mrs. Clutter in her bedroom also shot in the back of the head. Both victims hands and feet tied with together with wire. In the basement, they found Kenyon Clutter in the playroom proped up on pillows on the couch. Shot to death. Lastly, Mr. Clutter found in the furnace room. He showed signs of struggle and torture. Not only was he shot in the head but had his throat slit as well. My reaction was how heartless could someone be to do this to innocent people? The crime scene was described very well it made my stomach churn.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Journal 4

Hmm...Dick and Perry.  We know they were both in jail and have numerous tattoos, not a good sign. To me, they seem like the scums of the earth. I find it very peculiar that Dick had "hunting" gear in his backseat. They both creep me out!

Journal 3

Capote's stylistic writing techniques were known as some of the best and well-known of the century. His style of writing became so effective because of his prose styling was impeccable, and his insight into the psychology of human desire was extraordinary. His flamboyant and well-documented lifestyle has often overshadowed his gifts as a writer, but over time Capote’s work will outlive the celebrity. Some readers may have found his work monotonous because of the long sentences and elaborate descriptions of characters. In comparison to In Cold Blood and Miriam, both stories are mysterious and use a wealthy amount of description. The most obvious contrast between the two is that one is a short story and the other a novel. So far, I am up to page 41 in the novel, In Cold Blood, and i love it! I never thought I would like a murder/mystery novel, but turns out they're not so bad. This book really does remind me of a family in our small town. I do feel bad for what is and what could happen to the family. I also want to see if the mom is going to go crazy, more than she already is. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Journal 2

A "blended class" for Allegan High School is kind of a big deal. It may or may not be the first time the school has tried to incorporate an online course into a classroom setting type of class. To me, I think it will give me an edge in college because like most college courses we will be in class for a couple of days out of the week and accomplish work on a computer for the other days. My goals in this class are to gain a better census of how a college class is instructed and increase my computer skills. This class will require for me to listen and follow directions carefully because soon we will be doing things on our own instead of our teacher, Ms. Benoit, being here to help us. I plan to achieve these goals by listening and reading directions carefully. It would be helpful if Ms. Benoit could check up on us either by email or commenting on blogs if we are behind or not understanding a concept.

Journal 1(About Me!)

For starters, I am a very social and outgoing person which can sometimes have its advantages and disadvantages. I'm the senior class Vice President at Allegan High School. I love living in this small town and plan to move back when I am ready to start a family. I am seventeen years old and will turn eighteen on January 27th. My interests include playing tennis, water-skiing, singing in the choir, and volunteering at Dr. Main's Vet office. I come from a large family, my mother has six sisters and one brother. Our family holiday's are never a bore, especially with my crazy uncle Marky who wanted fried squirrel at this years thanksgiving. In my near future, I plan to attend Grand Valley State University to study a four year pre-vet program then transfer to Michigan State University for grad school in their prestigious Vet school.